Affiliate Disclosure
We want to make sure you know this website is profitable and we want you to know exactly how this money is being generated.
Our content is completely free and you don’t have to buy anything. However, they are not free from affiliate links. We can promote third-party products, but only in case we think they are absolutely amazing and they will deliver value or improve your life!
We can recommend other products through our email marketing or blog post, but only if we truly believe the product or offer is 100% worth it. You will never be spammed by us with useless and unreliable products.
When you click on these links and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. In this way, we receive compensation for the time, effort and energy spent on publishing content on the website.
While the vast majority of all links on this page are NOT affiliate links, it should be assumed that all links that leave this page and lead to another page are affiliate links. You should expect we receive a commission if you follow any of the links on this page and make a purchase.
For our part, however, we can assure you that we only promote or make available products and services that we have researched, tested, believed in, and / or we are 100% sure that our readers will benefit from.
In short, you should assume that the owner of this website has an affiliate and / or other material affiliation with any of the providers of goods and services that may be discussed here and may receive compensation for displaying advertisements or recommending products or services or providing links to the provider’s website.
If you have any questions about a specific product, our relationship with a specific company or this explanation of the above affiliate program policy, you can always send us an email to and we will be happy to explain.